Allen Blakemore: The Wizard Behind Dirty Politics

The 2024 Montgomery County Sheriff’s race has been described by many voters in Montgomery County who are proudly conservative as one of the “nastiest races to date”. The majority don’t realize they have Allen Blakemore to thank. For those of us more immersed in politics, it stirred interest in the political consultant hired by Sheriff Rand Henderson. It’s a part of politics that most people don’t give a second thought to, especially in local races but the subject of the wizard behind the political curtain for Rand Henderson became a hot topic of discussion.

Allen Blakemore of Blakemore & Associates has quite the ruthless reputation and what we saw during the 2024 Sheriff's race, Blakemore and Henderson waged a negative war with over $1M in contributions, many of them questionable, to win an election. During the 2 weeks of early voting leading up to the March 5th Primary and the days going into the May 28th run-off, hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent to flood voters’ mailboxes and text messages with false allegations that were nothing more than cheap shots out of a smear campaign playbook. Facts don’t appear to matter to Blakemore or to those who hire him.

Character is measured by a lot of things including the people we align ourselves with. The more research into “who is Allen Blakemore” the more disturbing it becomes that a law enforcement officer leading the 7th largest county in the state of Texas would hire a political strategist willing to stoop to the levels we saw during this election. The San Antonio Gazette News described Allen Blakemore in a 2013 article as “a brass-knuckles political brawler and an ardent social conservative whose offenses against political civility include some striking examples of GOP-on-GOP crime.”

Popular radio host Michael Berry disclosed his disgust with Allen Blakemore who is also Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s political consultant.

Many of Henderson’s endorsements including Dan Patrick’s came from a shared client list with Blakemore, not because they felt Henderson was the best person for the job. A reminder that endorsements don’t win elections and neither does name-calling or bullying.

On a side note: whose idea was it to use “salacious”? A word that means “arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination”. I’m not sure what kind of strategy this was but it fell into the category of just weird.

Clarity comes from educating ourselves with the facts. When we know better we can do better. As a voter, we have a lot of information at our fingertips when we take the time to seek it out. Politics is becoming an increasingly dirty game of manipulation and as voters we should demand transparency. Luckily, campaign finance reports are public record and usually reveal truths that are tucked away.

I wonder how much Blakemore's "win bonus" stood to be from Henderson’s campaign? The money and effort that was put into smearing Henderson’s opponent who is a retired Texas Ranger, I think it’s safe to assume it was substantial.

I’m now curious how many other elected officials in Montgomery County and other local races are trusting their political careers to a strategist who forms a PAC with a name like Boats 'N Hoes?

PAC to Shut Down After Name Draws Furor
Houston consultant Allen Blakemore on Wednesday evening confirmed that his firm’s bookkeeper created a political committee called Boats 'N Hoes PAC.

Montgomery County voters, I hope you are proud that your voices were heard. You sent your message loud and clear to Allen Blakemore and Rand Henderson that could be heard all the way to Austin that you decide who leads the public safety in your community.


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